Monday Meditation Course: A Deeper Love

Monday Meditation Course: A Deeper Love

Monday 31 March – Monday 12 May

Monday Meditation Course: A Deeper Love

Mondays 6:30pm – 9pm for 7 weeks starting 31 March 2025*

To be human is to experience a range of emotions - joy, sadness, contentment, anxiety, love, hate. It's easy to get overwhelmed by this and disconnect from our experience. 

Buddhism offers a path for discovering and developing strong, positive emotions that allow us to come into closer relationship to ourselves, others and the world around us.

Central to this is the meditation practice known as the Metta Bhavana (the cultivation of loving-kindness) - a radical practice that can help us respond to life with confidence, creativity and kindness. 

Our 6-week meditation course combines teaching, guided meditation and group discussion, to take a deep dive into the metta bhavana practice and unlock our potential for a fuller, deeper, more loving life.

The course is suitable for anyone who is already familiar with the basic structure of the practice.

*there will be no class on Easter Monday, 21 April