Weekendretreat in English

Friday 25 April – Sunday 27 April

An important notice
We would like to point out that the practice of meditation presupposes a general psychological stability. In case you are in psychiatric therapy, just ended such a treatment, or have a psychiatric diagnosis, you should talk to your doctor or therapist before coming on retreat or participating in events, where meditation is practised. 

If you cancel your booking or don't appear to the event, we will retain a booking fee of 50€. This fee is non-transferable and non-refundable.

The food on this retreat will be vegan. If you have any food allergies, please contact the retreat leader.

In order to interfere as little as possible (for ourselves and for others) with the helpful environment of the retreat, we also ask that such things that tie us to and draw us back to our daily habits be left behind for the duration of the retreat. We have found that mobile phones, smartphones, tablets, laptops, smartwatches, MP3 players, eBook readers, etc. detract from the overall meditative atmosphere at our retreats. Despite their benefits in daily life, we have found that such electronic devices are a cause of distraction for self and others. For this reason, we ask participants to turn off all electronic devices completely (not just in flight mode) for the duration of the retreat, whether on or off the premises. In case of emergency, family members can reach retreat participants via the retreat organiser's mobile phone (you will be emailed the phone number before the retreat). 

Our retreats are a meat-free, smoke-free, drug-free and alcohol-free environment. During the stay, retreatants agree not to consume drugs or alcohol, smoke or eat meat or fish. Those who nevertheless need to smoke are asked to do so outside the premises.